•S 12. Implied Condition as to title •the Sale of Goods makes it clear the it is an implied condition that the seller must have a right to sell •In Rowland v Divall [1923] the plaintiff was succeeded to rescind the contract and seek restitutio in integrum •Section 6(1)(a) of UCTA 19777:The condition in 12(1) cannot be excluded by an exemption clause •s12(2):freedom from encumbrances & quiet possession •These are the only two statutory implied terms that are categorised as ‘warranties’ •possession is disturbed by the lawful act of a third person who asserts a superior title or a right which impairs the buyer’s title •where there was a breach of 12(1) there will normally be a breach of 12(2)(b); however, the remedy may differ (Mason [1949]) •S 13- Goods sold by description •Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied [term] that the goods will correspond with the description. •If the sale is by sample as well as by description it is not suffici...