GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE LAW Apart from the principles governing all contracts insurance is also governed by its own unique principles. INDEMNITY · Is perhaps the most fundamental principle of insurance law. Object of indemnity is to place the insured after the loss in the same position he occupied immediately before the loss. He is not to be placed in a better or worse position. · Not all insurance contracts are contracts of indemnity e.g. life insurance. Indemnity is important as it deals in part with moral hazard. · Indemnity does not imply that the insured will be indemnified to the full value of his loss e.g. a person whose factory is destroyed by fire cannot recover for loss of profits or against any liability that may arise from the fire unless he has appropriate policies in place specifically designed to deal with these losses. · Indemnity can be achieved through the following methods: 1. Cash 2. Reinstatement e...